Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Story: Hattie’s Birthday Box – Week-Ending 1/9/14

Spelling Words: Suffixes -able and -less
1.     capable       8.     tasteless         15.     excitable          22.     reciting
2.     careless       9.     helpless         16.     believable         23.     memorized
3.     desirable    10.     senseless      17.     bottomless        24.    tongue
4.     admirable   11.     priceless       18.     comfortable      25.    precious
5.     restless       12.     useless         19.     dampness
6.     available     13.     reliable         20.     understandable
7.     debatable    14.     recited         21.    decorations

Vocabulary Words:
undeniable*      plainly true or too good to be denied
rations              limited amounts of something people can have
brooded           thought deeply in a worried manner
concocted*      made up; devised
despair             the heavy feeling when all hope is lost
homestead        to settle, improve, and eventually own land given by the U. S. government
perch                a place to sit or stand that is higher than its surroundings
* Bonus words have an asterisk

Monday, December 8, 2014

Story: The Case of the Flying Saucer People – Week-Ending 12/12/14

Spelling Words: Suffixes: -tion and -ness
1.     mystery           8.     operation      15.     education          22.  questions
2.     laziness           9.     sickness        16.     transportation    23.  saucer
3.     population     10.     kindness       17.     federation          24.  atmosphere
4.     invention        11.     closeness     18.     subtraction         25.  unfortunate
5.     generation     12.     forgiveness   19.     smallness
6.     examination   13.     pollution       20.     lateness
7.     situation         14.     imagination  21.    scientific

Vocabulary Words:
 advanced      highly developed or complex
 features         facial characteristics
 translation     spoken or written words that have been changed from one language to another
 piercing*       penetrating
 publicity *     information intended to attract public interest
* Bonus words have an asterisk

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Story:  Seeing Earth from Space Week-Ending 12/5/14

Spelling Words: Suffixes: -ant and -ent
1.     absent          8.     moment       15.     restaurant     22.     orbiting
2.     servant         9.     resident       16.     patient          23.    magma
3.     present        10.     ignorant      17.     government  24.    landforms
4.     instant         11.     pleasant      18.     statement      25.    continent
5.     accident      12.     distant         19.     migrant
6.     assistant      13.     innocent      20.     participant
7.     current        14.     intelligent     21.    efficacious*

Vocabulary Words:
sensors         devices that react to a stimulus by recording it or sending an electrical signal
atoll              a doughnut-shaped coral island enclosing a lagoon
reef              a ridge of sand, rocks, or coral at or near the surface of the water
lagoon          a body of water enclosed by a ring-shaped coral island
meander *    to wind and turn in a course, as does a river
barren          having no vegetation

* Bonus words have an asterisk

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Story: Oceans – Week-Ending 11/21/14

Spelling Words: Troublesome Words & Phrases
1.     anyway          8.     a lot         15.     there's        22.     wavelength
2.     any way         9.     its            16.     theirs          23.     particles
3.     all right         10.     it's           17.     anyone       24.     dangerous
4.     every one     11.     your        18.     any one      25.     eventually*
5.     everyone      12.     you're      19.     altogether
6.     already         13.     who's       20.     all together
7.     all ready       14.     whose      21.     continents

Vocabulary Words:
gravitational*     an adjective describing one type of force by which two bodies attract each other
bulge                 a part that swells outward
inlet                   a narrow strip of water leading into land
shallow              not deep
energy               the capacity for doing work or supplying power
generated          produced

* Bonus words have an asterisk

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Story: Summer of Fire:  Week-Ending 11/14/14

Spelling Words:
1.     basketball        8.     skateboard       15.     strawberry     22.    thunderstruck
2.     seventy-five      9.     homework       16.     freeway         23.      runner-up
3.     rock  band      10.     two  thirds       17.     car pool        24.    half  hour
4.     everybody       11.     high  school     18.     comic  strip   25.    paper  clip
5.     fireplace          12.     railroad           19.     fine arts
6.     anything          13.     motorcycle       20.     forty-two
7.     takeoff            14.     vice  president  21.      breathtaking

Vocabulary Words:
1. geyser           a natural spring that shoots up a fountain of hot water or steam
2. veered           shifted or changed direction
3. canopy          any covering overhead, such as a tree
4. tinder             anything dry that will easily catch fire on contact with a spark
5. dwindled        became steadily smaller or less; shrank
6. embers           something no longer in flames but still glowing
7. policy             a plan or method of action or conduct

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Story:  Everglades - Week-Ending 11/7/2014

Spelling Words: Words with "silent" letters
1.     island         8.       walked          15.     aisle            22.     slaughter
2.     design        9.       talk               16.     foreign         23.    clambered
3.     calm          10.     chalk             17.     lightning       24.    knowledge
4.     column       11.     wrinkled       18.     benign          25.    habitat
5.     sword        12.     wrong           19.     glistened
6.     half            13.     autumn          20.     resign
7.     yolk           14.     solemn          21.    orchids

Vocabulary Words:
1. eons              periods of time that total many decades or centuries2
2. scurried         moved quickly
3. pondered      considered something deeply and thoroughly
4.  multitude      a great number of persons or things
5. peninsula       an area of land almost completely surrounded by water
6. plenitude       fullness or adequacy; abundance

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Story:  Island of the Blue Dolphins - Week-Ending 10/31/14

1.     crises          8.     armies         15.     tomatoes     22.     breaths
2.     knives         9.     briefs          16.     canoes         23.    tragedies
3.     media         10.    videos        17.     berries         24.    buses
4.     roofs          11.    heroes        18.     loaves          25.    skis
5.     pianos        12.    data           19.     lives
6.     waves        13.    bacteria      20.     messages
7.     wishes        14.    oxen          21.     foxes

Vocabulary: (bonus spelling words)
1. overcome     to make weak or helpless
2. forlorn          sad or pitiful because of being alone or neglected
3. pitched         rose and fell alternately at the front and back of a ship or boat
4. vainer           more self-admiring, proud and conceited than someone else
5. gorged         stuffed oneself with food
6. abalone        an edible shellfish having a flat shell lined with mother-of-pearl
7. lair               the den of wild animals

Friday, October 17, 2014

Story:  Woodsong - Week-Ending 10/24

Spelling Words:  Unstressed Endings:

1.     level         8.     battle           15.     individual    22.     personality
2.     double      9.     candle         16.     material      23.     wilderness
3.     metal       10.     article         17.     angel          24.     humorous
4.     evil          11.     equal          18.     camel         25.     possible
5.     travel       12.     civil            19.     illegal
6.     couple     13.     capital        20.     stencil
7.     needle     14.     original       21.     brindle

Vocabulary Words:
1. resembled       was or looked like
2. bulk                large size or mass
3. pointedly         clearly noticeable; done with emphasis
4. harness           straps or bands used to hitch an animal to a cart, plow, or other equipment
5. retired             removed from a job because of advancing age
6. disengage        to loosen, detach, or free from something that holds
7. snort               to force air violently and noisily through the nostrils

Monday, September 29, 2014

Story: Iditarod Dream – Week-Ending 10/17/14

Spelling Words: Words ending in -en and -er
1. American    8. harbor             15. weather

2. frozen          9. father              16. beckon

3. button         10. color              17. cannon

4. chapter        11. ancestor       18. comparison

5. tractor         12. hidden          19. elder

6. golden          13. Hamburger 20. turban

7. taken            14. Theater         *Bonus Words: Advocate, Transition, Expedite

Vocabulary Words:
21. headquarters the place from which activities, such as those of an organization, are directed

22. positions the places occupied by people or things

23. handlers those who manage, control, or operate

24. pace rate of speed, as in movement or work

25. tangle a confused mass; a snarl

Friday, September 12, 2014

Story: Folk Tales from Asia – Week-Ending 9/19/14

Spelling Words: Words ending in -ed and -ing
1. charged 8. tasted 15. fried
2. spied 9. receiving         16. created
3. moving 10. becoming         17. tallied
4. trying 11. lying         18. carried
5. practicing         12. dying 19. revising
6. injured 13. Realized         20. wearing
7. carrying         14. provided

Vocabulary Words:
21. diligence willingness or ability to work steadily and carefully
22.  plodded walked heavily; trudged
23.  bountiful plentiful; existing in a great quantity
24.  destiny outcome that is bound to come; fate
25.  assured made certain; guaranteed
26.  entrusted made responsible for something

Monday, September 8, 2014

Story:  We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente
Week-Ending 9/12/2014

Spelling Words:  Ending in /zher/ and /cher/
1. treasure 8. adventure  15. temperature
2. capture 9. Mixture  16. legislature
3. feature 10. structure  17. immature
4. pleasure 11. pasture  18. leisure
5. measure 12. culture  19. premature
6. creature 13. literature  20. signature
7. picture 14. furniture  

Vocabulary Words:
21.  dedicated set apart for a special purpose
22.  control tower at an airport, a building from which take-offs and landings are directed
23.  lineup         the players on a team who will take part in a game
24.  ace an expert
25.  error         in baseball, a misplay, such as a fumble or a wild throw
26.  artificial made by humans; not natural

Friday, August 29, 2014

Story:  Elena (Week-Ending 9/5/14)

Spelling Words: Words with /s/, /z/, and /sh/
1. percent
2. absence
3. years      
4. refused
5. ancient
6. pressure          
7. machine 
8. notice
9. scene
10. station
11. social
12. special
13. parachute
14. specialty
15. detention
16. constitution
17. advertisement
18. advise
19. cities
20. chalet

Vocabulary Words:
21.  revolution a sudden and complete change of government, often by overthrow
22.  determination strength of purpose
23.  mocking making fun of; insulting
24.  plunged dived, or fell rapidly
25.  ravine a deep, narrow gap in the earth
26.  condolences expressions of sympathy or comfort

Options: Pick one of the following Monday-Wednesday: (spelling test on Thursday)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Open House is on Tuesday, 8/26 from 6:00-7:30pm.
Please come to visit your student's classroom and don't forget to sign-up for conferences!
I look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Grade 5, Theme 1, Dear Mrs. Parks 

Vocabulary Words 

ridiculedmade fun of
dignityproud, calm, and controlled behavior
counselto give advice and support
potentialqualities that make the development of a talent, power, or skill possible or likely
inspireto make someone want to do something and feel excited about doing it
correspondenceletter writing, or letters written
a wise, caring advisor

Spelling Words

Vowels before r

Grade 5, Theme 1, Yang the Third and Her Impossible Family 

Vocabulary Words 

auditiona tryout to test the ability of an actor or a musician
sonatamusical composition, usually in several movements or sections
accompanista musician who plays music to support the main part
accompanimentmusic played to aid and support the main musical feature
grimacedexpressed pain, annoyance, or disgust
simultaneouslyhappening at the same time

Spelling Words

Words with long o and long u

Friday, August 8, 2014

"Sees Behind Trees"
Walnut is a Native American boy who cannot shoot an arrow because of his poor eyesight. He must be able to shoot an arrow to pass a tribal test which will earn him the name of a man. Walnut learns that he possess amazing senses other than sight that will help him pass the test.
Focus Skills-
Narrative Elements:
The narrative elements of a story include the plot, the setting, and the characters. The plot is a sequence of related events in a story. At the center of the plot is a conflict, or problem, that the main character must solve. The turning point determines how the problem will be solved.
Strategies-Literary Forms:
A genre is a literary form. Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, and Drama are types of literary form. Each genre can be used for a different purpose - to entertain, persuade, inform, or teach a lesson. Sees Behind Trees is historical fiction because the setting is a real time and place in the past.
quiver - a case for carrying arrows
tread - the act, manner, or sound of walking
moss - a tiny, delicate, flowerless, plant that grows in clumps on trees and rocks
sternly - in a harsh or strict manner
exaggerate - to make something appear greater than it really is
compose - to settle down or become calm
Spelling - words with long a, e, i
1. stayed 11. believes
2. brain 12. tonight
3. thief 13. increased
4. meat 14. explained
5. flight 15. slightly
6. style 16. payment
7. delighted 17. brief
8. daily 18. tray
9. breathe 19. byte
10. meanwhile 20. raise
Challenge words:
1. tight
2. type
3. remain
4. chief
5. pleaded

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Join us for the 6th Annual Collier Chili Cookoff!

Friday, August 8th
5:30-6:00 Chili entries delivered to Collier Cafeteria
6:00-7:00 Chili sampling and judging
7:00-7:30 Announcement of winners
Here’s how it works:
Chili entries can be delivered to school at 5:30pm in a crock-pot. You might whip up a tried-and-true family secret recipe or maybe you’ll try something new out of your latest cooking magazine. Entries can be vegetarian or loaded with meat, beans or no beans, mild, medium, or three-alarm – it’s up to you. We ask that you bring along a serving spoon, but the PTA will provide bowls and spoons for sampling.

Families can arrive at 6:00 for chili sampling and judging. Families pay $5 and that includes bowls, spoons, and voting rights for each family member. There is no charge for families entering a pot of chili. Drinks and Treats will be available for purchase. The PTA Board will have a calendar of events to preview and information about the school year. Judging will wrap up at 7:00, we will tally the votes, and winners will be announced. Winning pots in each category will win a Family Pak to the Monster Mash Carnival!

Students who attend, whose teachers are there with a pot of chili, will receive Monster Mash Fast Passes!! So don’t miss this!!

Monday, August 4, 2014

In Theme 1 - Look Inside - students will learn about young people who discover their strengths and abilities. Students will be encouraged to look in themselves and examine their own unique attributes.
In "The Hot and Cold Summer" Rory's and Derek's summer plans did not include spending time with a new "visitor" named Bolivia. The boys make a pact not to speak to Bolivia. When Bolivia's pet parrot escapes, the boys discover that Boliva may be interesting.
Focus Skill: word parts
Root - a word that may or may not be able to stand alone as a word. Examples: care is a root for careless; clude is a root for include.
Prefix - a word part that is added to the beginning of a root
Suffix - a word part that is added to the end of a word.
Strategies - Point of View:
First-Person - narrator is character in story
Third-Person Limited- narrator is not in story and only tells what only one character observes, feels, thinks, and knows
Third-Person Omniscient - narrator is not in story and tells what more than one charachter observes, feels, thinks, and knows
commotion - a burst of noise and confustion
authority - a person who has special knowledge: and expert
exhausted - very tired; fatigued
incredible - so strnage or unusual as to be unbelievable
vow - a serious promise or pledge
souvenir - something kept as a reminder of a special time or place
Spelling Words - words with short vowels:
1. master 11. above
2. ahead 12. does
3. build 13. advantage
4. front 14. business
5. meant 15. sweater
6. bread 16. plastic
7. ready 17. balance
8. busy 18. limit
9. quit 19. among
10. mother 20. dozen
Challenge words:
1. activity
2. building
3. heavy
4. biscuit
5. purpose

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dear Parents,

We’ve had a great first couple of days in 5th grade!

Thank you so much for all of the school supplies!  It will help out tremendously throughout the year.

A couple of things I need to mention:
1) I sent home a project for moon journals.  Students will be required to create a journal and record their observations of the moon each night for one month.  They should be able to see a full cycle.  I will give students a reference sheet and explain all of the moon phases on Monday.  This way they can label correctly.  Please read the instructions.  The due date for the journals is September 5th.
2) Planners will come home daily.  Please initial your child’s planner each night after they complete their homework.  It is very important to their success!
3) We have a field trip scheduled to Flandrau Planetarium on 8/22 and we need parent drivers.  If you are able to volunteer, please let me know as soon as possible.  The cost is $5.00 per child.

Thanks for sharing your great kids with me!

Mrs. DeBough

Thursday, July 31, 2014

We had an EXCELLENT first day of school!  Everything turned out great!  Thank you so much for all of the terrific school supplies!  They are very much appreciated!!!

I will be sending home a moon journal homework assignment.  Students will observe the moon and document it in their moon journal every day until 9/5.  I think students will have fun with this project and look forward to seeing their observations.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Welcome to 5th grade!  I enjoyed meeting many of you today and look forward to working with you throughout the school year.  

If you have not already done so, please email me with your phone number and email address.  My email address is  I like to send newsletters and updates via email in an effort to "go green".  Thanks so much for your support!

I look forward to a great 2014-2015 school year!!!


Sunday, June 15, 2014

School Starts on July 31st!

Welcome to Collier Elementary School!  School starts on July 31st!