- The school wide attendance policy will be observed in this class.
- It is important that students attend class every day and that they are on time.
- I understand that everyone gets sick or runs a little bit late. However, if students have 3 unexcused absences or 3 tardies, the student and I will need to have a conference either at lunch or after school to decide how to resolve the problem.
- Come prepared for class and ready to work! Sharpened pencils and other supplies, etc. should be brought to class each day, unless you are instructed to do otherwise by the teacher.
- Backpacks are placed on the backs of chairs or on hooks on the wall.
- Enter the room, find your assigned seat, and follow instructions on the board.
Electronic devices
- Electronic devices (cell phones, ipods, etc.) are not allowed in the classroom. Students will receive only one verbal warning to put it away. If I see it a 2nd time, the device will be confiscated and returned to the student only at the end of class.
- If students bring an electronic device to class more than once, the device will be given to the office and a parent or guardian will be required to pick it up.
- A parent/guardian may contact the principal to have the device returned.
Dress code
- Students must follow TUSD dress code policies at all times. Hats are not worn in class!
Using the restroom
- Students should use restroom before school, at break, or during lunch.
- Students are NOT allowed to use the restroom during the FIRST or LAST 15 minutes of class!
- If the student has an emergency, they must obtain a hall pass and return it to class.
Throwing things away
- Students may quietly get up to throw things away.
- Please do not throw things across the room.
Sharpening pencils
- Each student should have at least 2 sharpened pencils for the start of class.
- Try to sharpen all pencils before the bell!
- If the teacher or other students are talking to the class, students should wait until they are finished to sharpen a pencil.
Eating and drinking in class
Eating and drinking are not allowed except for water bottles. They must have lids.
Please make sure all garbage is placed in the trash can.
Leaving class
The bell does not dismiss you, the teacher does.
Students will be dismissed once directions have been followed and work areas are put back in order.
Guests in the classroom
- Please respect all guests in our room.
- Treat these individuals, as you would want to be treated.
- If someone walks in the room, they will address you if they need something.
- Just smile and keep working.
Asking questions
- Students are encouraged to ask for help whenever needed!
- Students are expected to raise their hand and wait to be called on.
- Students should use the appropriate voice level.
- If working in groups or pairs, please ask two peers before asking the teacher.
Unfinished classwork.....
- If a student does not complete work in class, they may come in during lunch to complete the work. However, this must be arranged with the teacher.
- If lunch doesn't work, students may come in before or after school.
- I will do my best to be in class every day. However, if I miss a class, I expect students to treat the substitute with respect and complete all the work he or she assigns.
- Exemplar behavior with a substitute may result in extra participation points for the week; poor behavior will result in a loss of participation points and privileges.
What I expect from students:
1) Attend class every day
2) Respect yourself and others
3) Be responsible for your behavior
4) Be on time to class and be prepared
5) Do your best every day
What students can expect from me:
1) Do whatever it takes to help you to be successful
2) Provide clear and consistent expectations
3) Be well prepared and ready to teach
4) Be responsible for your learning and behavior
5) Respect myself and others
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