Monday, September 29, 2014

Story: Iditarod Dream – Week-Ending 10/17/14

Spelling Words: Words ending in -en and -er
1. American    8. harbor             15. weather

2. frozen          9. father              16. beckon

3. button         10. color              17. cannon

4. chapter        11. ancestor       18. comparison

5. tractor         12. hidden          19. elder

6. golden          13. Hamburger 20. turban

7. taken            14. Theater         *Bonus Words: Advocate, Transition, Expedite

Vocabulary Words:
21. headquarters the place from which activities, such as those of an organization, are directed

22. positions the places occupied by people or things

23. handlers those who manage, control, or operate

24. pace rate of speed, as in movement or work

25. tangle a confused mass; a snarl

Friday, September 12, 2014

Story: Folk Tales from Asia – Week-Ending 9/19/14

Spelling Words: Words ending in -ed and -ing
1. charged 8. tasted 15. fried
2. spied 9. receiving         16. created
3. moving 10. becoming         17. tallied
4. trying 11. lying         18. carried
5. practicing         12. dying 19. revising
6. injured 13. Realized         20. wearing
7. carrying         14. provided

Vocabulary Words:
21. diligence willingness or ability to work steadily and carefully
22.  plodded walked heavily; trudged
23.  bountiful plentiful; existing in a great quantity
24.  destiny outcome that is bound to come; fate
25.  assured made certain; guaranteed
26.  entrusted made responsible for something

Monday, September 8, 2014

Story:  We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente
Week-Ending 9/12/2014

Spelling Words:  Ending in /zher/ and /cher/
1. treasure 8. adventure  15. temperature
2. capture 9. Mixture  16. legislature
3. feature 10. structure  17. immature
4. pleasure 11. pasture  18. leisure
5. measure 12. culture  19. premature
6. creature 13. literature  20. signature
7. picture 14. furniture  

Vocabulary Words:
21.  dedicated set apart for a special purpose
22.  control tower at an airport, a building from which take-offs and landings are directed
23.  lineup         the players on a team who will take part in a game
24.  ace an expert
25.  error         in baseball, a misplay, such as a fumble or a wild throw
26.  artificial made by humans; not natural