Story: William Shakespeare & the Globe – Week-Ending 1/16/15
Spelling Words: Suffixes: -eer, -ist, -ian, -or, and -er
1. engineer 8. tourist 15. refrigerator 22. performer
2. dentist 9. scientist 16. guardian 23. volunteer
3. librarian 10. visitor 17. commander 24. disaster
4. director 11. investigator 18. physician 25. spectator
5. customer 12. senator 19. politician
6. pioneer 13. astronome 20. leader
7. counselor 14. character 21. historian
Vocabulary Words:
patron a person of wealth or influence who supports an artist or write
shareholder a person who owns part of a business
critical apt to judge severely or form unfavorable opinions
lavish extremely showy, expensive, or abundant
congested crowded; too full
adornment* decoration; ornament; something that beautifies a person or thing
dismantle * take apart
* Bonus words have an asterisk
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